Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Alright, I've had enough...

I've seen this image of a sculpture entitled 'Limosine' by artist Wouter Mijland splashed over more than a handful of websites now. On the artist quotes it's conception as being in 2008.

Now, look at this picture of Limosine...

Then look at this image...

Remarkably similar, wouldn't you say? Even down to the colour?

'THY MST B BY THA SME ARTST' you might say to yourself. But you would be wrong. The second image is of the sculpture entitled 'Koga Miyata' by the far more talented Benedict Radcliffe, and his website cites it's conception as 2007.

Interesting indeed. Could it be coincidence? Maybe, I don't know Wouter so I can't say for sure. But if it is, it's one hell of a coincidence, wouldn't you say?

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