How great is that!? Before the weekend, my address was 462 Awkward Silence Way.
One of the biggest benefits I have noticed since purchasing my speakers, is that I can once again wake up, and whilst readying myself for the day ahead, put on some nice, loud jazz.
Some people would call me a wanker for doing that. Go right ahead. I'll eat your fucking dog.
Anyway, so one of the albums I got to listen to whilst ambling around in my underclothes was Miles Davis' '
Tribute to Jack Johnson' album. It's so good. Pretty much anything Miles is good, except when he covered '
Time After Time', and arguably the album '
Tutu' depending on how much you like the 80s, but the two-track-tribute is definitely great.
If you want to be just like me, click on
this link, download the album, chuck on some Y-fronts, and just chill the fuck out in your lounge with the volume way up.