Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm totally bummed out...

...after checking the stats for this blog.

Somehow, the visits from Yemen have disappeared! How is that possible? I can only assume that the Yemeni government found out about 2 people from Yemen visiting the blog, checked to see what Fuck Cunts was all about, and decided that it is in stark opposition to the values held dear to the people of Yemen and therefore put a up a firewall removing the possibility of any information being sent between FC and Yemen.

I will reiterate, TOTALLY, BUMMED, OUT.

Ali Abdullah Saleh, please understand that I am championing the cause of Yemen, and have nothing but good things to say of your land, and the people who inhabit it. I do believe that underneath everything, we aren't that different, and I want to build a bridge made of love and respect between your country and my blog, so that visitors to both will pass in their travels and learn from one another.

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