Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I just stole this image off Chaz's blog. Thanks Chaz.

I have some notes I would like to add to this image...

That is the space shuttle Endeavour launching at 4:14am on the 8th of Feb 2010. It is going to the International Space Station, which I think is the coolest station of all time, and part of it's mission (labeled STS-130) is to deliver the Tranquility Module to the space station.

This 'Tranquility Module' is SO, AWESOME. I can't even type right now because it is so awesome so go and read about it on Wiki instead. Particularly the naming contest for it, which is hilarious.

One last note. There are still people who to this day, claim that the moon landing was a hoax. I have said on this blog before, and I say again, those people are some of the dullest this planet has ever seen, second only to racists. Please remember this, moon landing hoax believers; THERE IS A FUCKING HOTEL ORBITING OUR PLANET! Seriously! That is infinitely more incredible and difficult than going back to the moon, so shut the fuck up and drop dead already!


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