Thursday, July 22, 2010

FabricLive... a series of albums released bi-monthly by the London nightclub Fabric. I never went to Fabric when I lived in London, because as far as I could tell you had to be under the influence of either pills or coke to enjoy it, and I could think of nothing worse than being a played-out fucking antipodean and going to London and doing drugs.

"Oh but the coke is so much cheaper here!"

Shut up you cunt.

I do get into other things that are pretty played-out though, like being a middle-class white guy who likes Hip-Hop. Scratch Perverts and Diplo both have their own FabricLive album, and they good. Just found out DJ Format has done one too which will definitely be worth checking out.

FabricLive 22 - Scratch Perverts

FabricLive 24 - Diplo

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