Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is so fucked.

Well done you bunch of cunts.

What happens if they just decide that a site you look at should be censored? I look at some crazy shit, NONE of which is child porn or instructions on crime, but I am already anticipating that some of the sites I like to look at will end up on the list. Wasn't 4chan on the list that got leaked? I don't look at 4chan, but it's a good example. And I'm pretty sure that a relatively harmless porn/funnies site that a colleague of mine enjoys was on there too. I can't remember what the site is but if I do I'll post it so you can go see that it shouldn't be censored, and maybe have a quick jerk while you're there. EDIT - Found it

And by the way, what kind of dead-shit criminal needs a website to get 'instructions on crime'. Here you go, here's some instructions: Get gun, kill person. Break window, steal car. Open backpack, conceal mars bar. It's not hard, which is why most criminals you ever hear talk are dumb as fuck.

And for the record, I have nothing against doing whatever necessary to stop child pornography, but this isn't the answer. If you have a list of websites, how about this for an idea? SHUT THEM DOWN! I don't think there's a country out there where this shit is legal. Send fucking Somewheresville an email and let them know someone in their little corner of the world is hosting illicit material, and get them to burn the cunts down.

The Federal Government can suck my dick. If this thing in any way affects my viewing of the internet, I am going to dedicate Fuck Cunts to posting very detailed instructions on how to commit crimes, and photos of me doing them.

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