Friday, December 11, 2009


...I'm going home. But it's Friday, and I feel compelled to give you some music. Is that why you're here? Are you fucking using me?

Firstly, I was going to hooks you up with an old Throwdown album. A little something for you to get wild too. Or a little something for me to get wild to before the drags this Sunday. When I searched for the old ones, I found that they put out a new album this year! Whowouldaguessedit! So here it is. I've only listened to a couple of tracks, and they are pretty standard Throwdown fare. Which is a positive thing.

And let me apologise in advance, because whoever ripped it put their shitty website in each track name, so when you add it to your iTunes, you'll have to edit each track and remove that. And definitely don't go to their shitty website.

Throwdown - Deathless

Secondly, a really good post-punk album from NZ's Toy Love. They only made one album I think, and it's old, so don't go trying to get them to play at the BDO or anything stupid like that. Or actually, maybe do, and then I could go see them play. This link is only for the first CD off the double-CD album Cuts, but don't let that disuade you, because the two CDs are almost identical, just different versions of the songs. It's really good. Seriously. Get it. Do it now before it's too late. You could die tonight you know.

Toy Love - Cuts

Have a good weekend you pigfarts!

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