Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I had to actually sit and think...

...about whether or not I should post this. Which is saying something, because it takes quite a lot to phase me. But here I am, posting it.

The main reason I wasn't going to was because, although this may come as a shock, I'm not too fond of getting amusement from someone who's in a bad situation beyond their will.

But then I thought, that's a bit fucking rude of me, because she looks like she's having fun! So by not posting it I am actually making a far bigger deal of her situation than she is!

Also, the two top-rated comments on YouTube made me laugh. Hard. Which is actually in direct contradiction to my initial sentiment above, but you can't help what makes you lolz.

" I found this video difficult to masturbate to."

"That jellyfish can haul ass."

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